College Visits
We encourage all students to visit colleges whenever possible. Getting a campus tour, attending an information session and possibly experienceing the dorms, cafeterias and classes is a great way to get a "feel" for a school.
Here are some local Colorado colleges and information for visitng their campuses.
The ACT & SAT are required college entrance exams. They are used by college admissions offices, scholarship programs and even sometimes by employers. Students must register for the exams on the exam website. The tests are given on Saturdays at various test center locations throughout the state. Students do NOT have to take both exams, most colleges will accept either one.
***Please see the counselors if you have questions, need help getting registered, need study guides or need a fee waiver.
ACT Exam Dates & Deadlines
Register online at The site also has general information on the ACT exam, test dates, practice tests, and financial aid.
SAT Exam Dates & Deadlines
Register online at The College Board also provides good general information on the exam, practice tests, and financial aid.