Juniors - Class of 2026
Graduation Requirements
For the class of 2025, there have been changes in graduation requirements. The following has to be met in order to receive a VHS diploma.
1) 24 High School Credits
2) 10 ICAP Components
- 4 Workforce and postsecondary goals
- Plan of Study
- Cover Letter or Personal Statement
- Resume
- Letter of Reference
- Mock Interview
- Job Shadow
- 5 Hours of Community Service
- College or Job Application
- Scholarship or Financial Aid application.
3) Demonstrate College or Career Readiness
- Must meet one (1) of the following prior to graduation:
- Advanced Placement Test Score of a 2 or above in AP English Language and Composition (Junior Year)
- SAT score in English at or above a 470 or a 500 in Math
- OR ACT English score of 18 or higher or a 19 or higher in Math
- ASVAB score at or above a 31
- Accuplacer English score at or above a 62 or at or above a 61 in Math
- Concurrent Enrollment grade in English or Math of a C or better
- District Capstone Project.
Scholarship Opportunity - RYLA
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a life-changing leadership training program for young men and women where leadership skills and principles are learned, developed and enhanced in an atmosphere of trust and respect. The purpose of RYLA is to encourage and assist current and potential youth leaders in methods of responsible and effective leadership. Many past RYLArians have said, "It was the best week of my life!"
The Platteville Rotary Club is going to sponsor two VHS students (one sophomore and one junior) to attend this summer's RYLA program. Please visit the website www.rmryla.org for an application and more information.
Scholarship Opportunity - Quest Bridge College
Quest Bridge College Scholarship
The Quest Bridge College Prep Scholarship is designed for high school juniors who have shown outstanding academic ability despite facing economicn challenges, and show the potential to attend top colleges. We do not hae absulute criteria or cut-offs for GPA, standardized test scores, or income and we take aholistic approach in reviewring applications. When selecting College Prep Scholars, we try to answer the following questions:
"Does this student have the potential to thrive at one of our partner colleges?"
"Has this student overcome socio-economic obstacles to achieve academic excellence?"
All College Prep Scholars will receive:
Free test prep to help you get the test scores you need to become a more competitive application.
Priority consideration to receive all-expense-paid campus visits and fly-in programs to the nation's best colleges
Early access to the National College Match application in order to get a head start
Priority assistance from Quest Bridge to strenghen you National College Match application.
Click HERE to access the website, application and more information.
Scholarship Opportunity - Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship
The Positive Coaching Alliance awards scholarships of $1,000-$2,000 to high school athletes, based on their essays explaining how they meet:
Personal Mastery: Making oneself better
Leadership: Making one's teammates better
Honoring the Game: Making the game better
Eligibility extends to any high school junior residing anywhere in the U.S. and playing for a high school team or in club sports!