Concureent Enrollment/AP/Honors & Course Description

Honors English I
Honors English II
Honors Earth Science
Honors Biology
Honors Geometry
Honors World History
AP Language & Composition
AP Biology
UNC History 100
UNC History 101
UNC Calc
UNC College Trig

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Concurrent Enrollment Responsibilities

VHS Academics

It is necessary for all students and parents to be familiar with the VHS graduation requirements. Please use the information on this page to help you stay on track for graduation and to make sure you are preparing yourself for life after high school. If you have questions, please talk to the counselors.For graduation requirements please see your class page.Concurrent Enrollment Responsibilities


Valley High School students have the opportunity to take college classes through Aims Community College while they are still in high school.  Please talk to the counselors to find out what you need to qualify.



Juniors and seniors at Valley High School may enroll in higher institutions of learning and receive course credit toward the fulfillment of high school graduation requirements for successful completion of approved postsecondary advanced/enrichment courses that are not offered at Valley High School. To ensure that you are aware of the responsibilities and requirements of enrollment in post-secondary coursework in conjunction with Valley High School, you must read and indicate your understanding of the guidelines below.


The district shall pay the tuition for up to ten (10) credit hours of postsecondary courses successfully completed by a qualified student and for which the student receives high school credit. A student may enroll in up to ten (10) credit hours of postsecondary courses per academic term.The institution of higher education may charge additional tuition and/or associated fees to the qualified student or the student’s parent/guardian in addition to the tuition paid by the district. Valley High School does not pay for any additional tuition or course fees such as books, materials, lab fees, equipment, student fees, tax, or insurance.Prior to paying the tuition for any qualified student, the district shall require the student and the student’s parent/guardian to sign an agreement stating if the student fails (defined as a D or F) or otherwise does not complete the postsecondary course for any reason without consent of the principal of the high school in which the student is enrolled, the student and/or the student’s parent/guardian shall repay the amount of tuition paid by the district on the student's behalf.


The district shall not provide or pay for the student's transportation to the institution of higher education. The student assumes all responsibility and liability for transportation and transportation costs.


  1. The student must have received approval for their academic plan of study (ICAP), and the courses selected must be consistent with the student's ICAP.

  2. The student must complete the course approval form with all required signatures, before course enrollment.

  3. The student must complete all required paperwork from the institution of higher education.

  4. The student must complete the coursework and provide proof of a passing grade verified by a grade report or transcript. A failing grade (D or F) voids Valley High School's responsibility in paying for course tuition.

  5. The course(s) selected must represent advancement/enrichment course learning opportunities. Thee courses will not be paid if the equivalent course is offered at Valley High School.


  7. Class grades WILL be factored into the student's GPA at Valley High School. The student may receive Valley High School equivalent credits for courses that are completed with a passing grade.

  8. If the student does not complete the course and/or completes the course with a grade of D or F, the student is responsible for reimbursing Valley High School for the tuition paid on the student's behalf and the course tuition be added to the student's VHS.