Individual & Career Portfolio (ICAP)
All Valley High School students are required to complete an Individual Career and Academic Portfolio (ICAP). Every student must complete all ten components of the ICAP in order to be eligible for graduation. There are multiple classes offered at VHS that incorporate ICAP requirements into the class curriculum, such as the ACE and Business Careers classes. Additionally, the counselors will work with the students individually and in grade-level groups on completing the ICAP requirement
Every student at VHS has a personal account on Major Clarity through Clever. Using this website, students are able to explore careers, research colleges, learn about scholarships and financial aid, prepare for the ACT and SAT, fill out applications, and complete their ICAP requirement
In order for a student's ICAP to be considered complete, all 10 ICAP components must be documented in their Major Clarity account. Some of the components can be completed using the Major Clarity website; others must be completed elsewhere and then the appropriate documentation must be uploaded to each student's Major Clarity account
Please review the ICAP requirements and forms carefully for more information.
ICAP Requirements
- Plan of Study
- Post-secondary goals
- Cover Letter/Personal Statement
- Resume
- Letter of Reference
- Mock Interview
- Job Shadow
- Community Service
- College/Job Application
- Scholarship/Financial Aid Application
Community Service Information
All VHS students are required to complete a minimum of 5 hours of community service work as a part of the ICAP requirements. Community service work must be completed under the supervision of an adult who can verify the hours served. Students may not receive any type of payment or other compensation for their service and should complete their service at a not-for-profit organization. Students, remember to bring your Community Service Verification Form so you can have proof of your hours.
Examples of places to do Community Service:
- School
- Public Library
- Food Bank
- Homeless Shelter
- Church
- Human Society
Students must contact the organizations to get the necessary information about volunteering.
Essays & Personal Statements
Many Scholarships and college applications will ask students to write an essay (also referred to as a personal statement), either on a prescribed topic or on a topic of the student's choice. Ask your counselor for advice on how to write a good application essay.